Welcome to MEdit (Metadata Edit), tool for editing metadata of Life Cycle Inventory (LCI) datasets in International Reference Life Cycle Data system (ILCD) format.
Metadata summarize basic information about LCI data and support the informed use of datasets by end users.
Requirements and structure of the documentation format for LCI datasets are provided by the ISO/TS 14048 (Environment management - Life cycle assessment - Data documentation format) standard.
MEdit allows the data entry and completion of the metadata for datasets exported from LCA commercial software in ILCD format.
Subscription is needed for the use of MEdit.

This tool has been developed in LIFE EFFIGE (Environmental Footprint for Improving and Growing Eco-efficiency, LIFE16 ENV/IT/000172) project and further updated within the ARCADIA project (Life Cycle approach in public tenders and Italian LCA Database for resource efficiency) – PON Governance and Capacità Istituzionale (2014-2020) Funding from LIFE Programme and PON Governance and Capacità Istituzionale (2014-2020) is acknowledged.

Please read the MEdit Instruction Manual before accessing MEdit.


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